
Along the way I forgot to put a tribute to Zane, my son's friends best friend.  He also died just after his 5th Birthday.  He was a great dog.  Monty loved him.


Wildwind's Cinnia Rose "Cinnia"
April 9, 2009 ~ June 27, 2014
Forever in our Hearts

Another gone far too young from DCM


My best friends in the entire world had their little Jeter put down, she had cancer. 


My friend in the Netherlands loses another.  Deeply sorry for her tragic loss of this wonderful boy. 


Went over and spent a little time holding a friends lil poodle boy while they were at work.  He was in congestive heart failure, he died a couple hours later.  What a sweet boy. 

Beautiful Honey

Our friends lost their beautiful old girl last night.  We were called as she passed away and asked to go over and sit with them.  It was sad, but also nice to see how peaceful she was, and how she never had to suffer.  Honey was 13.5.