June 19, 2011

Epic Petey moment! For Fathers Day I picked up Lobsters. We were all sitting on the deck, talking while cooking dinner. The box of Lobsters was over by the lobster pot. All of a sudden we realize we hear loud crunching noises coming from the side of the picnic table. I ask mom to look at the dogs and see what they are chewing on. They were sharing....a live lobster! Too funny! Petey loves loves loves lobster. We are going to Maine in a couple of weeks so he will get his fill there for sure!

June 9, 2011

Tomorrow is 18 months since our DCM nightmare began.

June 7, 2011

On today's hike Petey found a dead sunfish and proceeded to eat it! What is it about dead fish that he finds so appealing? Most dogs are content to roll in them, my boy loves the flavor!

Memorial Day weekend

These were sent to me while I was away...no shortage of love going out to this boy!