I've been a dog lover for my entire life. I had a blessed childhood, shared with several wonderful dogs that started the love affair with canines that continues today. My parents had a Labordoodle when I was born, then two beagles and later on in my teens two German Shorthair Pointers, a mother and son. My parents bred Gretchen the SH and I was the one to attend her birth, thirteen healthy puppies who all made it to adulthood. I enjoyed bottle feeding and caring for the puppies, and was very saddened when they all left for their new homes. That time was the single most memorable time of my teen years. Upon leaving home I didn't last too long before I started craving having a dog of my own. I started with a kitten and a year later for my twentieth birthday....my first dog, Genghis Khan came into my life. He was a A 7/8 wolf hybrid. I wasn't a great dog owner, young and inexperienced, Khan was a great dog. A couple of years later I married, and for some reason, wanted a Doberman Pinscher. I don't remember where the idea of wanting a Doberman came from. I had only seen two while growing up. They came running into the park where I used to hang out as a teen. They were magnificent, and I was struck by their beauty. Maybe that moment stuck in my head. I bugged my hubby constantly. He always said there is no way he would pay for a dog. In the mean time my FIL and Aunt both got Dobermans. They were great dogs. Brandy was a red female and Baron was a large black male. Their owners adored them. I kept looking in the papers, at the animal shelter listings. One day hubby and I were out driving around with a Realtor, and we drove past a yard, there was a adult female Doberman and lots of puppies running all over the yard. I was in the back seat and said....look at the Doberman puppies! Hubby basically ignored me. After dropping the Realtor off, hubby went back to that house, parked the car and asked the owner how much money for a puppy? The owner said....free, take as many as you want! They were mixed with a Weimaraner. There were nine puppies. One was Grey, One Red and the other seven Black some with Dobe markings the others solid. Hubby was drawn to the Grey one, he was already spoken for, so hubby picked up the Red boy, and off we went with our new baby. I finally had a Dobe even if he was a mix. He grew up to be a very tall boy, very funny and goofy. He didn't have a mean bone in his body....loved everyone. His joy was contagious. Unfortunately we lost him at four. Broken hearted wouldn't even begin to describe my feelings. That is when my desire for another Red boy began and lasted for more then twenty years. Other dogs came into my life, still that craving to share my life with a red boy continued.
The Quest for a Dobe begins
I've been a dog lover for my entire life. I had a blessed childhood, shared with several wonderful dogs that started the love affair with canines that continues today. My parents had a Labordoodle when I was born, then two beagles and later on in my teens two German Shorthair Pointers, a mother and son. My parents bred Gretchen the SH and I was the one to attend her birth, thirteen healthy puppies who all made it to adulthood. I enjoyed bottle feeding and caring for the puppies, and was very saddened when they all left for their new homes. That time was the single most memorable time of my teen years. Upon leaving home I didn't last too long before I started craving having a dog of my own. I started with a kitten and a year later for my twentieth birthday....my first dog, Genghis Khan came into my life. He was a A 7/8 wolf hybrid. I wasn't a great dog owner, young and inexperienced, Khan was a great dog. A couple of years later I married, and for some reason, wanted a Doberman Pinscher. I don't remember where the idea of wanting a Doberman came from. I had only seen two while growing up. They came running into the park where I used to hang out as a teen. They were magnificent, and I was struck by their beauty. Maybe that moment stuck in my head. I bugged my hubby constantly. He always said there is no way he would pay for a dog. In the mean time my FIL and Aunt both got Dobermans. They were great dogs. Brandy was a red female and Baron was a large black male. Their owners adored them. I kept looking in the papers, at the animal shelter listings. One day hubby and I were out driving around with a Realtor, and we drove past a yard, there was a adult female Doberman and lots of puppies running all over the yard. I was in the back seat and said....look at the Doberman puppies! Hubby basically ignored me. After dropping the Realtor off, hubby went back to that house, parked the car and asked the owner how much money for a puppy? The owner said....free, take as many as you want! They were mixed with a Weimaraner. There were nine puppies. One was Grey, One Red and the other seven Black some with Dobe markings the others solid. Hubby was drawn to the Grey one, he was already spoken for, so hubby picked up the Red boy, and off we went with our new baby. I finally had a Dobe even if he was a mix. He grew up to be a very tall boy, very funny and goofy. He didn't have a mean bone in his body....loved everyone. His joy was contagious. Unfortunately we lost him at four. Broken hearted wouldn't even begin to describe my feelings. That is when my desire for another Red boy began and lasted for more then twenty years. Other dogs came into my life, still that craving to share my life with a red boy continued.