Over the years I gave birth to four sons, and while they were little it was impossible for me to have a dog and care for it the way that all dogs deserve. I took a hiatus and decided to wait until my boys were all out of diapers and the last one was in nursery school to add a Doberman to our family.
I became a runner in my late thirties and decided after a couple of scary early morning encounters that I needed a big dog to run with. I also wanted to start trail running and had a great fear of being in the woods alone. It was left over from a scary early teen year experience with some boys. I started my search for a year and a half old red male doberman. I was met with some problems, most rescues don't want to give dogs to families with young children. One day I was at a neighborhood party telling my friend about wanting a Doberman. She had three Weims. Several days later she called and asked if I wanted her eighteen month old male Weim, Uno. He was a handful and she was divorcing. I talked it over with my hubby and we decided, yes...we would give him a try. My Dobe dream put on hold again, Uno came into our lives, and I loved him.
Uno was a neurotic boy, lots of issues, but oh so good in the house and great with the kids. Time went on and I still wanted a Dobe. When Uno was a few years old, I contacted rescues and again was turned down, Doberman males don't do well in households with other males. Dreams dashed again. Over the next couple of years we adopted a old GSHair Pointer, Howard and another Weim Mason. Our house became a nightmare. Three dogs with issues, OCD, Epilepsy and seriously Neurotic. It was a crazy few years, that at times felt like it would never get better. We lost all three dogs in a little over a year and a half. Howard to old age, he was close to seventeen from what we could tell, Uno to cancer at nine and then a horrific sudden decision to put Mason down when he went into epileptic seizures that wouldn't stop for more twelve hours. During the three months in between Uno and Mason's deaths, I had started looking at Doberman breeders websites. Hubby wouldn't let me get another dog while Mason was alive, he was very tired from our exhausting few years with the three boys. When Mason had to be put down so suddenly at only six years old, I went off the deep end. At first I said...never again. My heart was so broken and I was in such disbelief...why did this sweet boy have to die? I only lasted a couple of days, and decided why do I need to live in such misery? I knew in my heart that adding a new puppy to our family was the ticket out of this black world I was living in. I started the search on the sixth of January. Four days after sweet Mason's death.