The boys continue to be good buddies. It's been a wonderful time having two despite the crazy added work of monitoring two intact males. They have a nice relationship, and have a lot of fun together each day. I think Monty's laid back personality allows their relationship, if he was a typical wouldn't have worked out past Monty's puberty. We still hike each day and Petey continues to love and enjoy his life. We are off to Maine in a week, I plan on spending all my time with Petey.
July 1, 2011
The boys continue to be good buddies. It's been a wonderful time having two despite the crazy added work of monitoring two intact males. They have a nice relationship, and have a lot of fun together each day. I think Monty's laid back personality allows their relationship, if he was a typical wouldn't have worked out past Monty's puberty. We still hike each day and Petey continues to love and enjoy his life. We are off to Maine in a week, I plan on spending all my time with Petey.