July 9-16th Maine

Petey had an awesome vacation to Maine. He ate lots of seafood, went for walks, swam, laid in the sun and relaxed, what more could a Dobeboy ask for???

Achlllies, Petey's brother

Petey's full Red brother from his liter has died from DCM July 4, 2011. His owner Andrew is devastated.

July 1, 2011

The boys continue to be good buddies. It's been a wonderful time having two despite the crazy added work of monitoring two intact males. They have a nice relationship, and have a lot of fun together each day. I think Monty's laid back personality allows their relationship, if he was a typical Doberboy...it wouldn't have worked out past Monty's puberty. We still hike each day and Petey continues to love and enjoy his life. We are off to Maine in a week, I plan on spending all my time with Petey.