Took Petey down to Garden State Veterinary Specialists to see Dr. Goodwin the Cardiologist, as per the recommendation of another Dobe owner, veterinarian. She is seeing him for her own Dobe who has DCM too. It was a two hour drive. I was very pleased with the care we received there, well worth the long drive. Petey behaved himself completely. He was given a new Echo-cardiogram, and they let me stay in there with him. Dr. Goodwin found that his disease has progressed. He is now six months to a year away from heart failure, but still considered to be in the occult stage of DCM. Dr. Goodwin put Petey on four different medications, two of them diuretics. I am very happy that Dr. Goodwin is treating the DCM more aggressively. We wasted the last five months not medicating Petey. He showed me a scale to give me an idea where Petey's disease is right now, 0 being a healthy heart and 2 being in heart failure, Petey is at 1.4 now. Hopefully the medications slow down the progression.